
Sopockie Molo

Wearing dark colors during the summer months at the sea is not possible, especially this season with all of the beautiful pastel shades we have to choose from. During my walk down the famous MOLO in Sopot I wore my yellow Zara jeans, zara top, and DeeZee loafers, which I feel all complimented each other very well. The evening was beautiful, and Sopot charmed us, as always.

Ciemne kolory nad morzem sa nie do pomyslenia,  szczegolnie w tym sezonie, gdy mamy tyle pastelowych opcji. Podczas spaceru po Sopockim Molo ubralam sie cala na pastelowo w spodnie i koszulke z Zary, i loafersy z Deezee. Sloneczko swiecilo I cieplo bylo, ale wiaterek byl, takze ubralam rowniez kurtke dzinsowa. Ogolnie, uwazalam ze naprawde udany zestaw dobralam. 

T-shirt / Koszulka - Zara

Pants / Spodnie - Zara

Loafers - DeeZee