

Always after returning from a trip, I find that I have so much to do at home! I have spent the last days running errands and unpacking, and sleeping at very random times, but overall I am piecing my life back together after my very busy trip in Europe.

While I am still busy organizing photos from the trip, I thought I'd share with you at least a small post. These photos were taken in Wroclaw, by my brother. My outfit was created based on comfort, and warmth. The evening was a bit chilly, and my only goal of that night was to play tourist.

Jacket - Bershka

Hoodie - Juicy Couture

Jeans - H&M

Loafers - DeeZee

Bag - Mango

Instgram and Facebook

I'm officially back in Canada! Truthfully, I could not be happier, I mean, as much as I love to travel, this is where my heart is. As I jump back into my busy lifestyle of school, and work, I will try to post a few pics of my trip. Although, I have posted pictures during my trip on my instagram page, and facebook page, which you can find here, as well as by following the links on my blog sidebar. 

In terms of blog posts, I have WAY too many photos to sift through before I even begin to put together posts. I promise I have not forgotten about this blog, and I will make posts for you as soon as I can.  

For now, meet you on Instrgram and facebook! XX



Sopockie Molo

Wearing dark colors during the summer months at the sea is not possible, especially this season with all of the beautiful pastel shades we have to choose from. During my walk down the famous MOLO in Sopot I wore my yellow Zara jeans, zara top, and DeeZee loafers, which I feel all complimented each other very well. The evening was beautiful, and Sopot charmed us, as always.

Ciemne kolory nad morzem sa nie do pomyslenia,  szczegolnie w tym sezonie, gdy mamy tyle pastelowych opcji. Podczas spaceru po Sopockim Molo ubralam sie cala na pastelowo w spodnie i koszulke z Zary, i loafersy z Deezee. Sloneczko swiecilo I cieplo bylo, ale wiaterek byl, takze ubralam rowniez kurtke dzinsowa. Ogolnie, uwazalam ze naprawde udany zestaw dobralam. 

T-shirt / Koszulka - Zara

Pants / Spodnie - Zara

Loafers - DeeZee


Bambi in Sopot

Just a quick shoot of my outfit one rainy, yet perfect day in Sopot. 
ps: I love wearing this bambi sweater with a collared shirt, so prepare to see more of it!

Sweater / Bluza - Disney

Shorts / Spodenki - Atmosphere


Vertical Ombre Denim Shorts

A day at the beach is just what I needed today. I took some time to myself, while flipping through KMAG and snacking on fries, while taking in the warm rays of sun. I wore my favourite jean shorts, and my UK Olympics top. One of my most laid back ensembles!

Zdecydowalam dzisiaj spedzic troche czasu na plazy, odpoczywajac przy sloneczku i gazetcie. Ubralam sie jak najbardziej na luzie, w moje ulubione dzinsowe spodenki, i w olimpijska bluzke z nadrukiem flagi brytijskiej (obiecalam sobie ze nigdy nie kupie ciuchu z flaga amerykanska, takze musiala byc brytisjka). Moim zdaniem to jest jedno z moich najbardziej wyluzowanych stylizacji wakacyjnych. 

Shorts/Spodenki - New Look

Shirt/Koszulka - H&M

Shoes/Buty - DeeZee

Backpack/Plecak - Atmosphere


Hello from Europe!

Hello from Europe my darling babies! After a crazy few days in England, I have made it to Poland, and am finally able to create a post! I am so excited to share with you all of my new clothes and accessories from this trip, which just started by the way. So my outfit, this was my first day in Poland, home sweet home Sheraton, in Sopot. I've trying a brown hue these days, instead of my traditional black, and I feel it is really complimenting. I pulled this outfit together based on comfort, and femininity. I wore my new sheet blouse, and Zara trousers. To complete it, my new DeeZee loafers, which I love all too much right now and wear them all the time! 

Witam z Europy kochani! Po kilku dniach w Anglii, doleciałam do Polski i jestem w końcu w stanie aby utworzyć wpis! Jestem tak podekscytowana, aby podzielić się z wami wszystkimi moimi nowymi ubraniami i akcesoriami z tej podróży, (która dopiero się zaczęła, tak naprawdę). To był mój pierwszy dzień w Polsce, w moim lovely "Sheraton" w Sopocie. Więc na temat stroju, od jakiegos czasu, zamiast nosić czarne odcieni, postanowiłem spróbować brązy. Dobrałam ten zestaw na podstawie wygody i kobiecości. Ubrałam się w nowe koszulę i spodnie Zara. Aby stroj uzupełnic ubrałam moje nowe loafers DeeZee, które kocham i chcę nosić cały czas!

Top / Koszula - Atmosphere

Pants / Spodnie - Zara

Shoes / Buty - DeeZee

Hair Accessory / Aksesoria do Wlosow - H&M